In Death I See Life
In Life I See Death
The Sweet Relief That I Long
The Hush Of Whispering wings
Have come to Take Me
Away, away

19 jan
St clare'02/03
St anne '04
hadley's mother
sarah's brother
cor's devil
dan's apple ice jelly partner
weiqi's tsk partner
shaleen's 'yo yo' partner

My Friends
denise teo
rui shan

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 | 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 | 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 | 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 | 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 | 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 | 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 |

My Sarcophagus

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Sunday, March 28, 2004
MUAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!got back mt results yesterday, sucks...Mrs Shankar counted my L1R5 is 20! HAHAHAH! Just right, can got poly. maybe cant even get in hahaha...

on friday 3A girls were totally crazy, right Gin Ni haha, totally. even after school at the bus stop haha. At the bus stop we were totally crazy, kept laughing so much haha...

got nothing else lame to say...

-56 faced death at 12:29


Wednesday, March 24, 2004
stacy says tong rocks and she loves me to bits.
stace says tong rocks like mad and she loves me to pieces
mother cow stop hiding or i'll moo you till you drop dead =)

your one and only chicky. =)
-56 faced death at 21:27


Saturday, March 20, 2004
K, thanks tong for helping me update. Now i'm feeling so pissed...
Long story.
Yesterday i went for training from 3-5pm then went with Valerie to tiong to pick up hy's cake then went to queenstown. Wanted to rush i but the guard was staring at us so waited for tong and Kimberly to come and 'fetch' us. Was at the BBQ place, damn nice. if i lived there, i would go there every night and gaze at the stars...basically, stone. Then i left early after cutting the cake. Walked home from tiong, damn scary can, so dark then got construction workers so i walked really fast. reached home like 8 like that. Took a bath and ate dinner then waited for survivor. Then, my sister said she not eating dinner. K, thats fine. I messaged her at like 9+ telling her to come home before 10 cos it was like quite dark and my dad's not around to pick her up. my parents told me to take care of her so thats what i did. And what do i get in return for my concern? a scarcastic reply from a sister i was so f*cking concerned over. From then onwards, i told myself i dont wanna have any damn thing to do with her. Everytime i talk to her, she ignores me. If i ignore her? she gets pissed. What the f*uck is this man? Arent sisters supposed to be there for each other? I feel like she's not even there, i feel like i CAN live without her. She doesnt appreciate me. You wont miss a person until s/he is gone. But that doesnt apply for me and her. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I just wanna BOX HER!!!I'm so f*cking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm closer to my friends than closer to her... When she comes home, she just bloody sits at the computer until i go to sleep. In the morning, she's still asleep when i get up. When i go off, she's still asleep. When i come home, she's not there. You tell me what kind of sister she is. I feel like she's not my sister anymore and that my friends are my sisters...this is so damn f*cked up. I wished i had the old her back, then we could go out and talk till late like we used to do.

Sorry for the vulgarities. Those who know me know i'm very pissed. I rarely use vulgarities unless i'm damn pissed. So, my deepest apologies.
-56 faced death at 16:47


stace doesnt here i am doing the job coz i'm ultra bored.
i havent eaten for the whole day yet i dont feel hungry. just ultra
duper moody. wonder what berly's doing. my phone gone crazy. it
has no reception and now i have to go and dig out my guarentee card
to go repair my phone at Wisma. No one has any idea how lazy i am
to get down to town. miss yesterday's chicken wing and fishballs. that cake valerie bought is superb. my potato rocks more. debbie was on the phone with ravinder the whole night. yuan popped out of no where for a lil while sylvia came without the satays and addy came only after i left at 10. cool. wonder who did the cleaning up.
feel like gg back to yesterday though. it really rocked. shitting on the top on the world is a cool feeling.

stace says tong rocks

yesterday i was tiong waiting for dan when i saw this blind old man selling stuff. Then he wanted to go down the escalator...This middle-aged woman helped him down. So singaporeans do have a heart after all.
-56 faced death at 16:32


Tuesday, March 16, 2004
i so sad, my dad's gonna get a new car, he sold the BMW...i liked that car...

k, gonna continue with taman...

After the absailing, we went for caving, it was damn fun. Weiwei and i went first, whacked my head on the low ceiling like 2 times can haha. The guide cheat our feelings. After awhile he stopped and pointed to a small (i really mean small) hole in the ground and asked us to go thru there. We were like REALLY?!?!??! Then he laughed and continued...After awhile, we came to this place that looked sooo much like a scene out of the Lord Of The Rings,the part they were running away from the balrog in the Mines of Moria, totally cool... Then came to this totally funky place where there was like a vertical drop and i was the first to go. The man told me to switch off my torch so i did. I couldnt feel the ground at all so the man said just let go so i did. Got a few scratches on my butt but thats alright. Then helped a few ppl then Sharlene came to the rescue. She's like mega strong can, carried so many ppl. Then after everyone, made our way down to the bottom and were 'stranded' without any help. Managed to make our way out...i really have to hand it to pau, she managed to go caving with the deep cut and that she was not allowed to bend her elbow. The first group said it was really exhausting. However, i didnt find so, it was very fun actually. Made our way back and rushed to get our stuff and hopped on the bus. The bus was damn cold can, partially cos we were wet. Reached the resort.
Cor: heard that you were looking for me. Sorry didnt see you, was helping this other girl.
Put our stuff in the canteen then ate abit of dinner(didnt have appetite) had briefing then put our stuff in the rooms and went back to the hall where we learn thow to make ketupat(dunno how to spell). I got so frustrated cos i couldnt make it haha...after that went back to the room and bathed first. Then got stuck in the toilet haha cos the lock spoil. Ikan gave me a piece of wire and i managed to open the door. After that, we kept the wire in the toilet and sometimes didnt lock the door... Ate some food then went to sleep...a well deserved rest.

Day 3
In the morning had rafting. It was alright. Built our raft and set sail! First to start and first to finish.
On the way back, there was this mega leech on the blue drum where joanne and pau sat, i really mean mega...We paddled really fast and when pau got off, fei said she saw the leech attempt to jump on to her leg, but failed. Weiwei took the pen knife and tried to cut it to two but cannot then it dropped to the ground, dunno what the instructor did to it. In the afternoon was plantation tour... nothing to say about that. At night, 3D can back. Saw tong, man i missed her so much haha. That night she had a slight fever so yeah. Before that i ran all the way to room 50+ (im in room 20) with hannah to claim back my room key from some 3P ppl. In the first place dunno who they were. so ran ran ran in the rain shouting who has room 20 key! haha... that night slept really well, was dead tired.

Day 4
woke up early for the taman hike. was almost late haha. The hike was totally fun, not really tiring. Got a leech bite on my socks, i thought it was a caterpiller haha. then the man use his hand and pluck out the leech... went for the canopy walk, totally fun! On the hike i almost fell down like twice so now my ankle hurts...had the one and a half hour boat ride. Weiwei and i were sitting right infront then it started to rain!!! The rain drops damn pain can! then the water seeped into our butts haah... went back to camp and washed my hair, didnt take a complete bath cos the toilet was chocked up, totally sick. Stupid shuai ge write in my shirt one big chio bu there then had to change shirt. Set off for the train station.

Day 5
The train was supposed to come at 1 am but it came at 2. By that time, i was so tired that i slept but for only an hour plus. Woke up after awhile cos it was freezing cold. saw weiwei shivering so lent her my track pants eventhough i myself needed it cos shes soooo skinny, didnt want her to freeze to death. Slept for another hour plus. Woke up and stoned till alot of ppl woke up then started talking and ate alot then started playing cards. Sharlene totally rules at bluff cos she keeps such a straight face no one knows if she;s bluffing or not. When we reached Johore, the train started moving backwards cos the engine was malfunctioning haha. Then transferred to another train in spore that was really hot/stuffy and was travelling really slow, even fei could run faster than it. Took a bus back to school and waited for my dad and yeah! back home...

it was fun and memoriable...3A's new sig: totally, exactly, wan quan, yeah!

-56 faced death at 12:24


Sunday, March 14, 2004
hey all, back today. so tired can...k, i'll give you a lowdown on all that happened.

came to school at like 6 in the morn. Left school at like 7 with 3mm cos the 3A bus no more space. The bus ride was 11 hours, can you believe it!!! kkk, all we ever did was eat and sleep on the bus with the occational chit-chat. They liked the almond cookies that i brought that no one was eating at home. Tried the so called burger that was oh-so-famous. It actually wasnt that nice. It was cooked with alot of butter so it was unhealthy. Then again, ppl have different views. Reached the camp at like 6+ then started pitching the tents.We all didnt know how to pitch the tent so shuai-ge helped us. We all didnt have the appetite to eat cos we all ate sooooo much in the bus but we still tried abit. That night had night walk and it was quite fun cos we didnt want to step into the puddles of water for the fear of leeches. On the way back, weiwei was holding the candle. She so cute can, keep walking off track. The 3C class overtook us with germaine leading. Then they stepped into the mega puddle of water hahahahahah...then reached back and didnt take a bath cos the water was totally dirty so slept like that. That night weiwei's tent outside got frog then she wanted to poke the frog but the frog jumped away. Another frog jumped onto someone's head, so freaky...btw, the toilet was quite bad, maybe cos we're too pampered with our nice and clean toilets.

my group was doing absailing first, very fun. Helped weiwei and christina pang to put on the harness cos they dunno (i learnt from last year's sports camp). They say i make too tight but i rather it be too tight than they dropping off the cliff WHICH THEY DIDNT haha... Had to make a little hike up the mountain to the place. Christina volunteered to go first. She damn cute can, stuck there for like 5 mins cos she dunno how to go down haha...Then afew other ppl then weiwei, she was very fast. Then me. I whacked into the side of the cliff like 2-3 times. (i continue later, my sis wants to use the com)
-56 faced death at 20:38


Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Going taman tmr...not packed yet but too lazy to do so...dont wanna talk about results...dont wanna talk about anything...i feel so irritated but dunno why...i feel like screaming!!!!!!!! I cant believe i'm gonna sit in the mm bus tmr...but still got pau, fei, p, covalent and other least my class got miss mak, not so bad haha...

"And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides"

i miss last year
where we could just sit and stone.
Now we have to pay attention at all cost
or we'll pay the concequences-failing

Right now i feel so stressed out
eventhough the CAs are over
i need something or someone
to bring me back to reality
i forgot how to feel...

haiz...dunno why i'm so depressed...i think its cos of my lousy results...Mid-year my goal is to be at least top 10 in class. It maybe too ambitious but hey! i've got nothing to lose...
Till next week, later.
-56 faced death at 16:38


Friday, March 05, 2004
Yo man dan, cheer up k, if you need a friend, i'm always here! Take care loads k!
Xiao-mei! i dunno your URl how to link! Must tell me k! All the best for your results!
Tong! Thanks for the mega cool cd. Had a hard time reading but its nice, thanks. If you need help with physics(though i'm not very good but i'll do my best) and maths( my fav subject!)Take care loads k!

Heyhey! I'm back! Muahahahah exams are over!!!♥<---haha so cute the heart. I'm gonna flunk a maths, physics and ss. A maths i had a mental block...haiiz...NVM! dont talk about exams liao.

I wanna watch big fish and runaway jury! it looks damn nice can. I need a new chain cos i broke the old one
=( Finally took out my braces and now wearing retainers but like cannot talk properly haha...nvm, i'll get used to it. Next week going taman, cant wait...

yesterday's american idol the john stevens sang damn nice can, like michael buble and i love michael buble's songs. I hope he wins haha... Next week cannot watch the wild card cos going taman but i hope the pen's salesman gets in. Next friday got william hung on american idol can!!!!!! then somemore cannot watch...haha...

today wasnt feeling very well so i didnt perform for told me to prepare to play well, i will! muahahah...

"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head"

My fav song by blink 182, i miss you. Totally nice =)
-56 faced death at 18:45
