In Death I See Life
In Life I See Death
The Sweet Relief That I Long
The Hush Of Whispering wings
Have come to Take Me
Away, away

19 jan
St clare'02/03
St anne '04
hadley's mother
sarah's brother
cor's devil
dan's apple ice jelly partner
weiqi's tsk partner
shaleen's 'yo yo' partner

My Friends
denise teo
rui shan

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 | 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 | 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 | 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 | 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 | 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 | 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 |

My Sarcophagus

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Sunday, June 27, 2004
k, im totally tired...not tired, just sleepy haha... was watching this funky hospital programme thing...oh, befofe that i was at costa sands the bbq thing with the was quite fun and all..didnt know coach could be so lame haha...then my dad took melanie home ahah...she was so quiet ahah...befofe the bbq, went out with karmila for lunch...or rather, her lunch haha...cos i ate already with my parents...then walked around tiong and the stupid gift shop havent open yet so we took a bus to great world...i was scaring her cos i wasnt sure if the bus was the right one haha...then after that bought hadley's present then sent her back to tiong and went home... then prepared the jelly and waited for peihan's mom to pick me up...think her mom very funny hahaha...
back to school tmr...xian-ded...but i need smt to keep me busy so its a good thing, in a way haha...
-56 faced death at 14:27


Friday, June 25, 2004
dont have the mood to blog these few days...back to school in 2 days...dots...

The Vines
Winning Days

"The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there's gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there’s gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

Get up and go outside
It can help your mind too
Get up don’t hide away

Cause I know where there’s gold (get up and go outside it can
I didn't know when I was flying can help your mind
Im sinking like a stone get up don’t hide)
I can dream
I’ve been trying"

really should hear this song, its very tons of other songs...but not today...maybe some other day that im feeling 'happier'...

-56 faced death at 22:57


dont have the mood to blog these few days...back to school in 2 days...dots...

The Vines
Winning Days

"The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there's gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there’s gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

Get up and go outside
It can help your mind too
Get up don’t hide away

Cause I know where there’s gold (get up and go outside it can
I didn't know when I was flying can help your mind
Im sinking like a stone get up don’t hide)
I can dream
I’ve been trying"

really should hear this song, its very tons of other songs...but not today...maybe some other day that im feeling 'happier'...

-56 faced death at 22:53


dont have the mood to blog these few days...back to school in 2 days...dots...

The Vines
Winning Days

"The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there's gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

The winning days are gone
Because I know just where I’m seeing
Was giving as I know
I can't hear

Cause underneath there’s gold
Ill need to get around to find it
When I wanna go
I can dream
I’ve been trying
All my time

I’m just seeing it right
Cause it could be the light that’s over me
So I just wanna let it be

Get up and go outside
It can help your mind too
Get up don’t hide away

Cause I know where there’s gold (get up and go outside it can
I didn't know when I was flying can help your mind
Im sinking like a stone get up don’t hide)
I can dream
I’ve been trying"

really should hear this song, its very tons of other songs...but not today...maybe some other day that im feeling 'happier'...

-56 faced death at 22:53


Wednesday, June 23, 2004
woke up at 12+ today hahaha...super late ahaha...any got scolding again by her for sleeping so much haha... got up just in time for lunch ahaha...then sat home and watched some of the MTV movie awards...then went upstairs and did some work...finished like 3 boxes of maths hw...only got 2 left! muahahah...finally finished geog after 3 weeks of procrastinating haha...then went to disturb my sis...then watching iron chef-ing ahahahahah!!! k, im totally lame...dots...

karmila: you promised not to say anything k! flick you on monday!!! muahahha...

-56 faced death at 18:18


Tuesday, June 22, 2004
today got up mega early to go to school for meeting which was supposed to be at 9 but mr leslie came at only 10 so scolding from my sis and mom cos we were supposed to go out at 10+ but the meeting was still on so yeah...anyways, went to taka and ate and did shopping and met my dad and accompanied him for lunch...after that went shopping somewhere else...and went home...watched iron chef and went out for dinner and here i am!

karmila is evil....she hinted smt she PROMISED not to say ahhaah...oh, she can also type older as 'louder' ahahhaha...k, think im the evil one now hahaha
-56 faced death at 21:15


Monday, June 21, 2004
have been too busy...actually no, been sleeping alot ahahha...told karmila to wait for my msg at 9 but i slept till 11! haha....had a good laugh ahhaha...struggling to complete my homework's starting next has its own pros and cons... talked alot about taman negara today with her...been doing nothing else to blog about haha...

cheng: please loh, i dont wanna be a sweetheart haha...

-56 faced death at 19:53


Thursday, June 17, 2004
today was quite fun, despite the horrible movie...and i mean, horrible...reached cine the earliest followed by mel, karmila and peihan.. bought tickets before peihan came then she happily walk so slow haha...went in and talked really loud...dropped my phone in the dark but the man next to me helped me pick it up...couldnt wait for the horrible show to end...during the show, it was damn cold...and the person sitting on my left was happily poking me and i was flicking her haha...then went to to marche for lunch...where i got the name 'strawberry girl' cos i ordered waffle with wth?? k ahah...then went around shopping with the ever gossiping mel and peihan...karmila and i 'criticised' almost everything they picked out hahaha...then went to popular to buy some empty disc for my sis...then queued up...there was only 2 counters and 1 counter the woman was staring at i just stood there waiting for my turn and this middle aged woman cut my queue and placed her whatever she was buying on the counter of the woman who was staring at the receipts...then karmila was like 'excuse me' then the woman turned around then i said 'the queue's from the back' then the woman gave me that look so i said 'cos that counter is busy (the busy counter was referring to the one with the receipt staring woman)' then i just paid and walked out....all this while karmila was you understand? dont think so..haha...
-56 faced death at 19:53


Wednesday, June 16, 2004
ello!!!k, yesterday i was too tired to blog...but training was super fun....played soccer and floorball with dan, jaime and linhui....teamed up with jaime to play floorball and we beat them! muahahaah...then during training, linhui was afraid of the fire drill thing hahahah...damn funny...the game was super fun haha...

today....didnt want to wake up but forced myself to...then went to school...reached at 09:01...thought i was late but hannah came a min after me ahha....and Miss Gan Weiqi was happily still sleeping at home so we waited for her till 09:50...then completed the project...bought lunch for sis and reached home just in time for 'Operah'...then watched dvd till i fell asleep...woke up at 6 to watch 'Iron Chef'! yeah, that show totally rocks!! haha....

cant wait for tmr cos karmila's gonna kill me! ahha...was super evil today...must be the coke ahahahah....
-56 faced death at 20:27


Monday, June 14, 2004
today was totally fun muahaha....gonna type everything out so prepare your eyeballs!

k, i was late meeting karmila...15mins late haha...but i got excuse k!! haha...anyways, RUSHED there then she said inside so i though at the 7-eleven there so i happily just stood there then she called and said go inside the control how was i supposed to know right? haha...then waited for the train for so long (according to me =D ) then went on the mildly crowded train which gradually got mega crowded and we got 'pushed' in deeper. then met cherie at the kallang scolding again by her...cherie was complaining that the man sitting next to her was smoking but she just refused to move hahaa....then made our way to pasir ris...oh, cherie was TRYING to explain the different japanese movies but karmila and i didnt understand a word haha but we just said yes hahaha...then we malu-ated ourselves cos we thought we needed to change train then this woman told us dont need hahaha....then got off and was thinking of what bus to take there then both of us pushed cherie to ask what bus but there was a sign there saying 'take bus 354(i think) to downtown east' so yeah, we took it. karmila is evil...she wanted to trip the girl with heelies ahhaa...then at the bus stop there were so many bimbos! haha...couldnt stand it haha...

then took the bus and we had totally no idea where to stop so we just followed the crowd ahha...reached there and walked to escape first.when we reached, we were thinking whether we should go the dry or wet one first so we walked to the wet one. at the wet one, karmila was happily playing with the barney toys ahha..waited for like 5 mins to buy tickets...then we saw the sign saying $3 for float and $2 for ppl going there were like in their swim suits and all so we decided not to go and walked back to escape where we waited for 2 hrs, trying to decide whether we should go town or not.then kiri came and we decided to go in. cherie and kiri screamed to give us 25% discount of smt...then got in and settled the money then sat on the first ride.

have totally no idea what the ride is called...sat with karmila. both of us were laughing the whole ride...we even made comments about the operator guy ahah...then the woman next to us was totally freaked out haha...then after that, went on the water one. karmila couldnt decide whether to sit infront or behind but she ended up sitting infront.and i happily got wetter than her...ate then sat the 'turn2 one'...saw cherie's face and karmila and i were laughing thruout the whole ride. i was laughing till cannot laugh anymore. karmila laughed till she was crying hahah...then we sat the 'lying down' one where cherie was screaming ahhahah...damn funny haha...then this boy dunno how to spray the water properly and sprayed on me! karmila was happily laughing...then we went to the one with the mega long queue..damn violent...sat till leg pain haha..after that we played some game thing where i didnt get any of the 4 balls in. karmila was like 'what cca you in? why cannot shoot?' whatever loh hahahaha...then sat the mini roller coaster...then (k, i admit) i ACCIDENTALLY pushed the bar down too hard so we were like squashed to the seat hahaha..stomach pain ahaha...i was laughing thru out the ride and karmila was complaining ahha...Sorry lah! hahah...then sat the enterance that ride again...this time it wasnt as fun cos we couldnt see cherie that clearly but it was fun anyway...

then we went town and walked around...karmila said she was hungry so we went to ljs but she didnt eat so we walked back to orchard mrt...on the way so many ppl block my way can! almost tripped so many times haha...was damn pissed after that...then took a bus and came home...

today was damn fun....haha...must go out with them again hahaha....laughed so much today....laughter is the best medicine!
-56 faced death at 19:39


Sunday, June 13, 2004
today got woken up by my maid at 9 to close the door for her cos she was going out...then after that, went back to bed...then woke up again at 1045 and went out with my parents and sis for lunch...came home at like 12+ and on-ed my thought i was still sleeping right? ahhahaha....then after that was doing geog...or rather, TRYING to do...couldnt find the missing points so came online haha....and there's like no one online??!? if im not wrong, cheng is at some autograph session...karmila has a match going on...and like there's no one here to talk to!!! nvm...will just sit here...doing nothin....
-56 faced death at 14:55


Saturday, June 12, 2004
k, today was rather alright...finally got up earlier than you muahahahah....had lessons, went out with mom, dad and sis for lunch then came home to do work. Oh, my dad bought frogs to feed his fishes...and his fishes are totally mega and they 'suck' the frogs up and could see the frog's feet(do frogs have feet or what?) sticking out of the fish's mouth, totally gross haha...then completed my chem and bio...took me like 20 mins to search for the geog question paper. It was in my geog notebook all along..feel so retarded ahah... but i didnt do it in the end haha...then went downstairs to watch tv till just now ahha...feeling totally bored...

hy: HY!!!dont stress yourself too much yeah? pace yourself and you'll do just fine =D

ikan: kat, hope you can come back to visit us soon k?

tong: hope you like the cow...and happy birthday!
-56 faced death at 19:32


Friday, June 11, 2004
oh yeah, forgot...

Happy Birthday Tong!!

hope you like the cow...its damn cute ahha....take care yeah....
-56 faced death at 19:36


got up at like 1030 this morn...but [you] still got up earlier like just sitting here doing nothing....sis left for hockey carnival, mom and dad at wont be home till like 11+ at night cos she got 4 im all alone at home....msg-ing peihan ahha...she's on a cruise and she sounds bored haha...the internet on the cruise is like 33cents per min ahah, so ex... argh!!! im totally bored...this morning fei2 msg-ed me asking how to do the geog map thing cos we dont have the map then i told her dont do loh ahha...just sitting here and waiting till 12:45 ahah....
-56 faced death at 12:11


Thursday, June 10, 2004
k, had lesson in the morning at 830 so i woke up at 07:55...and msg-ed [you] thought you were still asleep and that i woke up earlier than you but no, you were already yeah ahah... then after my lesson, got ready to go out...had decided what to wear the night before and [she] wanted me to wear skirt????like okkkay hahaha....then i left the house at like 1015...was msg-ing karmila so that she wont fall asleep on the bus and miss her stop ahah...then she was criticising the girl next to her for listening to music too softy ahah...karmila wanted to push her down ahahha...evil....then when i reached the bus stop in town, she said she reached already so i rushed lah haah...then when i reached, only sexy cherie was there haha....then a few sec later, she happily came strolling in ahahha....then bought tickets....and karmila almost went up the wrong escalator hahaha....cos she was happily msg-ing ppl ahaha....sat around for awhile and went is totally blur! theatre 1 was right next to her and she didnt even know!!! haha....went in and sexy stared at the seats so closely to look at the number ahhaa...then took a seat and they happily leave me alone to buy food...then this guy came in and sat next to me...he's a total loser! he laughs at the most lamest jokes like during the movie, the beggar guy said they could get food from the garbage and the guy was laughing....i mean, whats so funny about that??? ahaha...then ying wei sat behind us with her friend...the movie was quite boring leg was like cramped haha...then i sat closer to karmila cos the guy next to me was totally freaky ahhaha....then after that couldnt decide what to eat so walked all the way to taka and ate Mcs...then the man was like 'excuse me sir, can i take your order' he called me a sir!!! then karmila was like laughing....whatever hahaah....then after that he corrected himself hahaha...then sexy left for tuiton so left karmila and me. then we walked around taka looking for a present for tong...i cant say what it is haha, wait tong read ahaha....then after that met up with lily and natria and followed them around....they happily talk alot hahaha....then karmila and i were like always walking too fast so we purposely walk behind them ahaha...then they finally decided to take a rest at the heeren fountain...there they just sat and talked....then after that they went home but it was still early so karmila and i walked around cine then walked to wisma and took the bus and went was totally fun....had no idea sexy was THAT lame haha....oh, and my sis bought grapes haah....then pau very cute, she posted to me a letter with the 20 ringgit she owes me ahhaah.....better go, cheng is gonna box my face soon ahaha
-56 faced death at 20:32


Wednesday, June 09, 2004
came back last night around 7+...think [she's] angry with me for not picking her up from school....but i couldnt cos my flight was delayed cos of the lousy system...i dunno...[you] have to tell me what i did wrong cos im rather insensitive... im sorry k? really2 sorry...

anyways, im still sad cos my sis is still in china...she'll be back in 3 weeks, cant wait...bought some clothes....sis bought afew skirts...overall it was alright...just that i was missing [you]...

my doggie is so cute, she can bark with the muzzle on haha...amazing...then that day, she bit a dog with 'floppy' lips cos it was trying to make friends and my dog is VERY she bit the dog on the lips and it was bleeding hahahaha....feeling so evil but its not my dog's fault cos the other dog was off leesh so yeah ahahha....

today's my sis's birthday, havent gotten her anything...what do you get a girl who has everything? and its raining and im supposed to go out and get her a
-56 faced death at 11:01


Friday, June 04, 2004
got up at like 10+ and got scolding by [you] haha...not my fault, was very tired haha...and [you] happily woke up at 7+ haha...then went online for awhile....then went to school with jelly haha...the council party was alright...didnt eat much cos had training which was alright...i happily trying to catch the ball that coach threw and crashed into that sec1 girl...then my ankle hurt like hell but its alright now... then on my way home, saw my sis...she was going town to pass stuff to her friends and asked me to accompany her so i did...and we happily walked around the whole of town...first we went to taka then to wisma then to cine then to shaw house, my dad's new office...its like damn cool can i know where it is so i can go and disturb him or buy him tea haha...then came home with him and my house the 1st floor tv is screwed up...cant work i like just sat in my room...

going overseas tmr...not as keen as before so gonna miss [you]...wondered how i survived sarawak by msg-ing [you] so few times....still thinking about you...argh!!!! still pissed at what you told me but im glad that you least your honest =) take care yeah...i'll miss you...will msg you when i get back on tuesday...
-56 faced death at 22:09


Thursday, June 03, 2004 went to school to collect walkathon card...then walked around tiong for awhile with weiqi then went to clementi and walked around the whole place looking for a flower shop...then gave up and took a bus to denise's house...she said 7 stops then weiqi and i lost count ahha...but she said denise will be waiting for us at the bus stop but then we like totally missed the stop cos she wasnt there! so weiqi and i happily took our time to walk back...then met up with denise and yan yan then we walked to the hawker centre which was another bus stop away...weiqi and i complain like hell can haha...both of us were totally high and laughed so much haha...only after we reached denise said that there was a short cut! like wth ahah...then found a flower shop there but the owner wasnt there so asked the next door uncle to help us...then weiqi helped to pick out a rose cos i dunno haha...then it was supposed to cost $5 but the man gave it to me for really2 cheap...then we were like 'uncle, it says here $5" then he said no, $5 is too ex for a flower i dont complain loh...haha...then went to denise's house and left like 10 min later cos was having piano...then went home and went out again for the hockey match...took 10 min to wax my hair but it turned out horrible so washed it away and decided not to wax haha...

then walked to delta with the flower in my hand...then lily and cheng so mean can...forever teasing me...then gave her the rose or rather, lily did malu-ated can haha...then watched the hockey match and criticised almost everyone with lily a few bimbos there hahaa...then after the match karmila's blister was damn sick haha...but she still could happily run around the place hahahah....then after that went home...didnt follow then to tbp...then i heard that they were like bullying karmila evil...then came home and did maths, ate dinner and returned to maths again hahaha...ami is like totally boring now thats why im online...

cheng! stop teasing me about the flower loh! angry haha..and im only human, i can make typos hahaha...
-56 faced death at 22:46


Wednesday, June 02, 2004
kkk, i'm gonna update by blog...a request made my someone! muahahahha...

was singing this song like 2 days ago....then got a lot of typos muahahaha...

Unchained Melody

"Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
Alone, lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine
I need your love
I need your love
God, speed your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely river sigh, wait for me, wait for me
I'll be coming home
Wait for me
Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered, hungered for your touch
Oh, my, lonely time
And time goes by so slowly and time can do so much
Are you still mine, I need your love I need your
love, God speed your love to me."

Last night was damn funny...was msging [her] then suddenly my phone no reception...then i walked around the whole house trying to find reception but dont i off-ed my phone and on-ed it again...then received the i replied but [she] never reply so i thought she was asleep so i went to sleep. then this morning i found out she was eating so didnt reply me ahhaa...then she went to sleep cos i didnt reply cos i was asleep...get it? dont think so muahhahaha....

Gonna stay home and do hw today...trying to make out p's handwriting haha....cant see what hw she wrote down hahahaha....

oh yeah! i forgot to say i went to cut my hair...its fairly alright...cherie said i look like taiwanese star? like whatever haha...but i think its mom said i like never cut like that and said i should have cut shorter haha...

karmila: hahaha....i found out there were 3 typos haha....maybe cos i was singing ahhahahaha.........
-56 faced death at 11:18
