In Death I See Life
In Life I See Death
The Sweet Relief That I Long
The Hush Of Whispering wings
Have come to Take Me
Away, away

19 jan
St clare'02/03
St anne '04
hadley's mother
sarah's brother
cor's devil
dan's apple ice jelly partner
weiqi's tsk partner
shaleen's 'yo yo' partner

My Friends
denise teo
rui shan

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 | 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 | 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 | 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 | 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 | 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 | 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 |

My Sarcophagus

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Monday, May 31, 2004
back from sarawak!!! my brain is full of stories haha...too lazy to type out haha...

-56 faced death at 20:51


Saturday, May 22, 2004
tmr is the last day i'm gonna see [~] for like minimum 2 years... [~] has been such a good friend to me...this is the first time i'm losing such a valued friend...i dunno if i can handle the truth...i dunno if i can bear losing you...we've been such good friends for so long...dunno if i will cry tmr...but if i do, it'll be the first time i've cried over someone...i dont cry easily...cant bear it...[~] was there to help me in my studies...[~] was there to make me laugh over the lamest stuff in the world... hope she has a safe trip and keep in contact...

watched shrek 2 today...was kinda lame and funny haha...liked the mega gingerbread man haha, very cute...havent finished packing yet...too lazy...

thinking if i made a stupid decision about [you]...think i ended it cos i was afraid of the truth...time to time i think about it and realise it was a stupid thing to fight over...

-56 faced death at 16:37


Friday, May 21, 2004
today was quite quite high for geog and e maths 2 but sucked for chinese, physics and bio...

helped neng's group to cut out the stencil thing...i cut till my fingers no feeling haha and cannot function properly....then neng and cherie were like calling me shuai ge for no apparent reason can....i was just cutting the thing!!! then leslie talked to us blah3 then my dad came to pick me, pau, fei and weiqi up adn sent us to far east where weiqi and pau went to cut hair...she look more japanese now can! then walked with fei to john little and bought 'stuff' hahaha...very nice to walk with her cos we talk alot ahaha...then walked back to heeren's marche and waited for pau they all...met meiyi and them and went in...we saw ms chen can! with dunno who she didnt recognise us but just smile2 haah...ikan got me a ty frog...damn cute can...ate like tons esp mushroom soup[dont worry angel, will go there with you one day (: ] after that went to cine's star shot place thing to talk photos...quite fun and all...then sat outside cine to eat the cake haha...ikan so suay kenna eat 5 pieces of the cake haha...then after that went back and ordered the photos...went to more than words and got my sis a dog keychain thing....after that went back to the photo shop and collected the photos...then walked to orchard mrt to meet my sis, took bus back and sas picked us up from the bp station...should go to sleep soon ahahaha....

hmmm...still dunno what to get for tmr to think haha...gonna go out tmr with my mom and watch shrek 2 and buy stuff for my cip trip...

thinking about joining tae kuan do...for the NYAA thing...
-56 faced death at 23:53


Thursday, May 20, 2004
whoo hoo! wade robson project tonight...damn nice to watch...wish i could dance like him haha...

today sucked....chem got A2 can!!! think im like the last in class for that...on the other hand, mel got 90! too smart already...

after school did the sarawak thing then cherie and jessica were teasing me that i couldnt cut the thing straight....hung around there for awhile and went home...

nothing to do...tmr my dad not going for the briefing...then going out after that for dinner with ikan they all

dont feel like blogging anymore....

-56 faced death at 20:12


Wednesday, May 19, 2004
whatever: what the hell? you have no guts just to leave your name...why? afraid that my 'big clique' will beat you up is it? we have better stuff to do than to deal with a low-life like you...excuse me but who in the right mind will actually look at how big a person's clique is? nothing to do is it? Go jump into a lake then! Looking down on others? please loh, my nose is not in the air! How the hell have i looked down on others! half the time i dont even go down for recess! Jealous that i have a big clique is it? Fuck off lah! got a problem of me making new friends is it? Fuck off! just totally wasting my time...i've got better things to do so fuck off!

On the better things muahahah!hmmm...yesterday was fun...learned a new language haha...then after that went town to catch a movie, van helsing... we were so close to the screen can! muahaha....fei talk alot then mel and i were laughing and cheng2 was *ahem* better not say wait she box my face muaahahha... it ended at like 8+ then took neoprint...too bad fei2 was having a headache cos of the blasting of the sound effects...then after that went to the bus stop where say juli, jia rui and their group...talked with them a bit then my bus came...was kinda worried about ikan and mel cos ikan had to walk home bu the ulu-fied way and chio-bu mel was walking to the bus stop alone...feeling guilty, should've walked her to the bus stop muahaha....nvm, she's alright...

today was alright....results suck...dont even wanna touch on that...after school we waited for lpp and leslie for like half an hour then later decided to get smt to eat... then after that lpp came with mrs kong! totally didnt expect haha....then got stuff done and went with weiqi and hannah to get stuff...went to tiong where they didnt have the origami paper so we took a bus to town where weiqi was like totally shopping...bought sb for sarawak cos didnt have enough...then went to orchard popular and they happily make me carry back the origami paper can! muahahha....

today miss martines was in our class marking our geog paper then she was like 'who is stacy' then i stood up and she walked out of class...then i followed her and i asked her if she wanted to see me then she said 'i just wanted to see your face' then smt about marks....thinking it MUST be my handwriting....i'm so dead...

fei2 cut her hair liao...gonna see tmr...neng and i cutting after sarawak haha...going to clippers...thats it...dont feel like typing anymore...
-56 faced death at 19:59


Monday, May 17, 2004
today's kinda high muahhahah...thanks angel for the thing! thanks yeah!

angel:sorry cant go out with you on wed to learn malay haha...before school starts i go with you and cut hair k...anyways, will go out with you during the hols :)

today the chinese paper very cheat my feelings can...the first han zhi i dunno how to do can...then i was like 'shit! like that then the rest sure die lah' end up the word was from chapter 16, we didnt learn so during recess mel, wei2 lily and i went to complain to lee ting2 then she said she'll check it out haha...then the zao ju give us all the 'unimportant' words can! i was expecting all the chen yu...cheat my feelings hahaha...

bio was alright...finished section A and B in like half an hour haha...then took my time to do section C...then i write very nice cos got alot of time hahaha...if not my handwriting like wanna die hahaha....anyways, the section C ques 9 i made up my own experiment haha...i said put the plant in the fridge cos very cold hahahaha.....was totally crapping my way thru hahaha....

xianded...found out that i'm not free for like the whole of this week...have to prepare for the sarawak trip..i really cant wait know...then yeah...

tmr after our paper, gonna go to tiong and eat first then come back to school for malay then go out after i got training...but dunno what time yet...they wanna go watch van helsing at cine...
oh yeah! pau2! dont forget supposed to fight with you tmr hahah....
-56 faced death at 14:04


Sunday, May 16, 2004
to my angel: did i say smt wrong or anything? cos i really have no idea...last night you just said you were tired but i dont believe so...before that you were totally hyper...think i said smt wrong...really sorry k.... was quite horrible....found out from poon that on tuesday we got malay lessons for the sarawak trip! like what the hell loh...we all plan already so nice...gonna watch van helsing...screwed up all our plans...

then on wed we also may have malay lessons again...but i planned to go cut hair with my angel...yet again, screwed up my plans...

xianded....alone in the house again....blasting my music...what if someone calls the house then i cant hear the phone hahah....not my prob...anyways, better get back to studying...doing chinese now...

Maroon 5-this love

"I was so high I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes
The chaos that controlled my mind
Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
Never to return again
But always in my heart

This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again

This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright
My pressure on your hips
Sinking my fingertips
Into every inch of you
Cause I know that's what you want me to do

This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
She said Goodbye too many times before

This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore..."
-56 faced death at 12:50


Saturday, May 15, 2004
21:32-my day just got better haha...planned already...wednesday i''m going with my angel to cut hair haha...cant wait, my hair's too long...then after that she wants to go shopping haha...tuesday going with pau they all to watch van is good after the exams haaha....just went through 1 whole hour of nothing but chinese...all 15 brain is full of chinese words! muahahah....

couldnt sleep last conscience is eating me alive...

this morning this woman came to my door and was doing a survey about insurence...knowing me, im totally blur, dunno anything about this. so i just stood there and listen to the woman..all i said was 'yeah' and 'i dunno' what the hell, waste my time...then she asked me what type of insurence i had i said dunno...then she gave me her no and asked me to call her when i find out.i said ok. then after she left, i threw her contact away...waste my time...

today sucks...have to mug the whole day...2 days to complete 8 chapters of bio and like 15 chapters of chinese...impossible? i will make it possible...

totally alone at home...again...yesterday my mom was working, dad was busy, he's doing smt important and sis was in school and had hockey after school so yeah, i was alone at home with my maid who went out for saddening, i had dinner alone...thought dinner was the time where the family would gather but no...

anyways, now alone at gone out...sis got practical in school and dad golfing...maid most probably outside gossiping with the other maids in the least no one will disturb me when i try to conquer my 8 chapters of bio and 15 chapters of chinese...

gonna have lunch soon...not hungry no mood to do anything...better dog just took a bath...she's chained to the gate to dry off..very cute cos she just stares at the ppl walking past...sometimes barking at them...
just now very cute...the dustbin man came then my doggie is outside then she started barking hhahaha...then the dustbin man just stared at her hahahahaha....

This is how im feeling now...
"There's an anchor around my heart
Dragging me down
Beneath the waves in silence I fall
There's a halo above my head
Spinning me 'round
'Cause I don't know if I'm alive or dead

There's a dagger in my hand
Bleeding me dry

And all we have to lose is time
And what lose we leave behind
Stay around and we will shine"
-56 faced death at 11:44


Friday, May 14, 2004
ever questioned your actions before? i if i did the right thing...but what is 'right'? your 'right' maybe someone else's 'wrong' always seem to think s/he's correct...i admit, me too...haughty? you tell me...but sometimes you need two sides of the story...think [you] have changed my whole perspective in life...curse or blessing? depends on how you see it...

Today's maths was quite alright...think I got a few errors here and there...then walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus...when the bus as just about to come, miss pau2 forgot her wallet! she left it in class!!! then she tried calling ppl in class but they didn't switch on their phone then the bus came so p went on the bus...then pau and I happily took our time and walked back to class haha...the art exam like totally cool can! they have to sit in class for like 2 hours and funky haha...give them credit cos I cant sit still for so long just painting haha...then yeah, pau and I walked back to the bus stop, took the bus and here I am! Alone at home...blasting my music out loud...i like this lifestyle, loner...sometimes i feel its better to be alone than to have ppl surrounding you...then again sometimes you need someone next to you...

xian-ded...cant wait for tuesday! van helsing haha! going out with pau they all... totally cant wait man! just realised we'll be going to sarawak in 2 weeks, rather in 10 my backpack, borrowed from my mom...its quite big but i rather take it then a hand carry cos they say we have to carry it and walk alot so yeah...

guess thats it...waiting for jaime oliver to start...then after i might just fall asleep haha...
-56 faced death at 10:33


Thursday, May 13, 2004
smt has been bothering me...i'm waiting for smt to happen...if it happens, the sky will fall...but i'll try to keep my hopes up...

i think i blog the most haha...cos im totally too lazy to study...xian-ded...
after my previous post, i went upstairs and fall asleep hahaha.. from 2+ to 5+ haha...feel like a pig...then got up and talked to my sis for a bit then did some frustrated and came online hahahah.....totally lame-ded today...dug up this song the other day...forgot how nice it was the lyrics haah 'teenage guide to popluarity' haha...

Nada Surf-Popular

"Three important rules for breaking up
Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to
Prolonging the situation only makes it worse
Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly
Don't make a big production
Don't make up an elaborate story
This will help you avoid a big tear jerking scene
If you wanna date other people say so
Be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected
Even if you've gone together for only a short time,
And haven't been too serious,
There's still a feeling of rejection
When someone says she preferres the company of others
To your exclusive company,
But if you're honest, and direct,
And avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you brake the news,
The boy will respect you for your frankness,
And honestly he'll apeciate the kind of straight foward manner
In which you told him your decision
Unless he's a real jerk or a cry baby you will remain friends

I'm head of the class
'm popular
I'm a quarter back
I'm popular
My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I got a cheerleader chick

Being attractive is the most important thing there is
If you wanna catch the biggest fish in your pond
You have to be as attractive as possible
Make sure to keep your hair spotless and clean
Wash it at least every two weeks
Once every two weeks
And if you see Jhonny football hero in the hall
Tell him he played a great game
Tell him you like his article in the newspaper

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular
I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I'm a teachers pet
I make football bets.

I propose we support a one month limit on going steady
I think It will keep you both more able to deal with weird situation
And get to know more people
I think if you're ready to go out with Johnny
Now's the time to tell him about your one month limit
He wont mind he'll apreciate your fresh look on dating
And once you've dated someone else you can date him again
I'm sure he'll like it
Everyone will appreciate it
You so novel what a good idea
You can keep your time to your self
You don't need date insurance
You can go out with whoever you want to
Every boy, every boy, in the whole world could be yours
If you'll just listen to my plan
-56 faced death at 17:43


yesterday's paper sucked like hell...i couldnt even do Q9 can! the stupid triangle...then when i went home i tried it out, can loh like what the hell...was damn pissed....gonna drop to band 3....dont even think i can make it to band 2...irritating can! they band according to a maths...not e maths somemore my e is stronger that confirm go band 3...

today's paper was alright...michelle chua was damn funny....before she started the paper she told nette, estate head, to water the plants. then she gave out the paper and was like 8 short can! then somemore the name list was 3C one, i thought she go wrong class can...then she borrowed elizabeth's hp to call the office for more question papers then jenny leong answered the phone and said 'OI' then the whole class laugh till wanna die haha....then gave out the paper, did the paper, it was alright...then after the paper she asked me to collect the maps then she asked me for my name, like she'll remember haha...then after the paper she was like 'where's your recycling box' then we said 'dont have' then poor nette had to follow her to get the box haha....anyway, that made my day, still laughing about it hahaha....
-56 faced death at 11:17


Tuesday, May 11, 2004
today's physics sucks...gonna was alright, i guess...hopefully...

my sis totally rocks can! she bought for me the Maksim CD, a nike top, a CK blouse and quiksilver berms! she's the best! miss her though...

anyway, better go and practice a maths...dont wanna fail...
-56 faced death at 15:40


Monday, May 10, 2004
think my whole com is screwed up...waiting for it to crash any min's paper sucked...chinese i dunno what i was writing, it was totally lame...maths i didnt have enough time to check! ARGH! damn pissed...i wanna stay in band 1 cos charoo damn funny...this sucks man...most probably i'll fail the paper and drop to band 4 wih pat ng! worst tired of studying physics...i'm been going thru the formulas and all for like so long...cant be bothere to memorise the meanings and stuff...worst comes to worst i'll make up some crap that the teacher will HAVE to give me a few marks muahahah....k, better get back to studying, got 1 more chapter of ss to go...
-56 faced death at 18:16


Sunday, May 09, 2004
shouldnt be's mothers day...woke up and msged marcia and pau, my 'mothers' and also msg my real mom cos i was going to church someone stole my stone! then very angry...but nvm...gonna get my mom a tiramisu cake...but dunno if its available...if not i'll make something with my sis...had the shock of my life, my phone bill is like $70+ can! i used 1607 msg....dont believe it...i dont think i msg that much...anyway, will control myself this ifi dont reply some ppl you know why hahaha...k, better go and do some maths...remember to bring chinese dictionary tmr!
-56 faced death at 13:38


Saturday, May 08, 2004
Tired of mugging...been doing maths ever since this morning...maybe i'll take a short nap...i'll most probably end up sleeping till 7+...not enough time to study...what am i doing online then? k...should go back to studying and listening to Ryan seacrest on Power 98!
Just love this song:

Goo Goo Dolls-Dizzy

You're cynical and beautiful
You always make a scene
You're monochrome delirious
You're nothing that you seem
I'm drowning in your vanity
Your laugh is disease
You're dirty and you're sweet
You know you're everything I need

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star
Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

I wanna kick at the machine
That made you piss away your dreams
And tear at your defenses
Till there's nothing there but me
You're angry when you're beautiful
Your love is such tease
I'm drowning in your dizzy noise
I wanna feel you scream

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star
Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star
Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

Everything you are
Whatever ever you want
Whatever ever you want
Whatever ever you want
-56 faced death at 15:18


Friday, May 07, 2004
today was quite alright....english we watched interview with a vampire...then mel and lily were like what happen? then i would say and say...but i think i was making up some of it hahaha....sorry cos i wasnt thinking properly...was thinking about smt was alright...found out mrs leong is actually quite nice and funny haha...then maths was totally fun! adeline and i doing origami haha...then our class so nice can, gave mrs charoo alot of flowers and cranes...taught adeline how to fold a turtle haha....then folded a turtle for tong with my name on it haha....then adeline best can, lee ting2 walk into class she still folding her flying crane haha...then lee ting2 said she was smart cos the only 3D girl in band 1 maths hahaha....which is true...

after school walked to the foyer with mel,lily and shaleen...cant believe shaleen watches survivor haha...the foyer was damn crowded....hate crowded places....sometimes you just feel like pushing the person next to you and throw vulgarities at them for standing too close to you...feel like punching them haha...then had free entertainment...this girl dropped a whole cup of milo...then i just stood there, seeing how the girl reacted the end she cleared everything up...

there were some problems with the cake thing, 1D didnt receive their cakes...lpp putting the blame on wei2 but its not her fault, 1D gave the list quite poor covalent...

was sleeping the whole day...vexed about smt...dont feel like talking about it to anyone...sometimes its better to keep everyting inside...

should go...wanna eat apple later!

tong:yos man, hols are drawing near, cant wait for you to tell me about your hard man, remember, i'll ignore you if you fail anthing :)
-56 faced death at 20:04


Thursday, May 06, 2004
nowadays i'm feeling depressed...maybe cos the exams are nearing and i dont have enough time to study...havent even started on chinese, geog and ss can...

why ppl forever ask me if im st8...its my social life, its none of your business...

yesterday mr ng was damn funny...he wrote on the board anticlockwise moments=anticlockwise moments....common-sensically will tell you that its right but in physics, its supposed to be anticlockwise moments=clockwise moments...mel and i were laughing can..until he erased it...

3A is totally into origami now...thanks to the drink coupons haha...

k...have to go...need to study...
-56 faced death at 16:57


Wednesday, May 05, 2004
i really shouldnt be online now...need to study...damn angry can today! that mr yeo mark me wrong cos i wrote my L as cursive whatever loh...then i got only 3/10!!! 3!!! like what the hell can....then my physics also cant say very good....but was happy with my chinese....although i guessed the last section haha....

-Somewhere only we know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

-56 faced death at 16:15


Tuesday, May 04, 2004
today's lessons were alright...was falling asleep though...but the thing is that im sitting so front with mel and denise teo so we have to pay attention...but i find that i tend to pay more attention when i sit infront than when i sit behind...hmmm....

then today mel kept bullying me loh...then pau2 gave me permission to bully her back hahaha...then lily never do anything when i complain to her...whatever loh haha....

english was damn fun today...found out that P wants big breasts hahahah!!! damn funny....and also gin ni wont make such a good super hero haha...rat wants to bury all her toys with her when she dies and that she will invite all 3A girls to her funeral haha....

i guess thats it...just a little note...have to go back to studying...and maybe i'll fall asleep haha....
-56 faced death at 15:56


Sunday, May 02, 2004
you know, last night i had this really cool and funky dream...i dreamt i was an assassin, damn funky can...i had my own gun, it was a nice black colour and it had only 3 bullets left in it...the bullets were a nice copper colour...then i had that cool funky black coat that they have in the matrix, you know...then i was assigned a job with my other team team mates would meet me at the place so i took an mrt to the place but i missed my stop(for dunno what reason) and got down the next...then after i got off, i was standing on the platform and started reloading my gun...then the old man and woman were staring at me so i started walking away...then after i got out of the station, i has to walk up this really steep slope to meet my team mates...i remembered it was around dawn, the sky was rather dark but still visible...then i met up with them and we were like 'yo man' and all...then we all put on my funky coats and walked into the place...all of a sudden, we started opening fire and shooting was like damn funky...then very suay can, my gun was jammed...then in the end, the 'opponents' were all team the ppl were alright except for this guy who was bleeding so we carried him away...then i woke up haha...

i rememebered the other day i had a dream... i was walking on the streets then a body dropped from the sky...the person looked fake but VERY realistic...the sick part was that the body almost hit me and that the body was positioned in a sitting up manner and the person's eyes were still open...i can still see the person in my head...the i took a bus...for some reason, the bus had a picture of that dead person and yeah..thats all i remember....

today woke up, went to church and went out for lunch with my parents...after that went out with my sis...we tried to watch dawn of the dead but the stupid woman dont allow loh! so irritating ended up watching win a date with ted was alright...not too bad...then after that went to do a little shopping...bought some sis wanted me to get this was nice but its not 'stacy' know what i mean so i ran away then she scold me haha...then came back and yeah...thats all...
cheng2: it think this one is nicer loh haha...maybe i'll change next time...
mel: muahahha, next time i run away muahahahah.....
-56 faced death at 17:54


Saturday, May 01, 2004
woke up at 9 today...its too early!!! should've gone back to sleep...then like there's no one downstairs can! think my parents are sleeping and my sis is out for stitches still wanna go hockey i placed myself infront of the tv and watched lilo and stitch the series so cute haha...i plan to study the whole afternoon but i dont think i'll last haha...

cheng2: cheng2!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for helping me with my blog....your the master blog-ger!!!haha....

when you msg me in the morning, i totally expected it....didnt feel like replying....ive got nothing to say to you...i wish nothing happened...i wish history was erased...though now nothing can be changed...whats done is done...totally regret my think we can still be friends? it'll be awkward...dont really care about anything now...
-56 faced death at 10:03
