In Death I See Life
In Life I See Death
The Sweet Relief That I Long
The Hush Of Whispering wings
Have come to Take Me
Away, away

19 jan
St clare'02/03
St anne '04
hadley's mother
sarah's brother
cor's devil
dan's apple ice jelly partner
weiqi's tsk partner
shaleen's 'yo yo' partner

My Friends
denise teo
rui shan

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 | 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 | 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 | 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 | 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 | 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 | 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 |

My Sarcophagus

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Saturday, July 31, 2004
woke up at 7 this morning...hitched a ride from my mom hah...then reached school and waited then sexy came then michelle then weiqi then pau2 who came running in usual, she was late haha...then mrs lim sent us to ngee ann poly where we couldnt find lt20... the ppl started so late haha...the talk wasnt that boring...then we had refreshments and pau ate alot, as usual ahhaha...was totally high high that sexy was getting scared aha...then went great world with weiqi and took cab from there cos she needed to go back to school for the ceremony thing...weiqi and i were at the bus stop but then the free bus ride to town was there so we ran across the road funny can haha....then we went taka then cine then paragon...weiqi wanted to buy spray so we went to marks and spencers and tried like almost everything haha....then after awhile weiqi smelt her hand and she was like 'i think this is nice' it did smell nice but the thing was that we couldnt remember what it was we like wanted to spray again but our arms no more 'space' haa...then meiyi came!!! then we wanted to use her arms but she didnt allow haha...then went off after that cos badminton girl were having flag day so yea....thats it...oh, and drink lots of water, right shaleen? high....

-56 faced death at 16:43


Thursday, July 29, 2004
was totally high in the morning, laughed alot ahaha...wanted to swat flies with yo yo partner but she didnt want to haha...during recess i wanted to massage her blue-black but she refused haha...after school was running all over the place looking for sarah aha...found her in the end haha...judged the talentquest thing...gemma and whit were very good...but that annabelle girl from 3E was quite good can, she got this super powerful voice hah...didnt know hy can sing haha...but her group was very good ahha...then went home in the super heavy rain haha...was drenched to the skin can mom scolded me for not bringing umbrella ahha...think im like gonna sleep super early haha...k, i better go, got lots of work to do ahahah...

Totally love this song!! should hear it, its really super good ahha...

Talk show on mute

'Take a bow
Pack on powder
Wash 'em out with buzzing lights
Pay an audience to care
'Impress me' personality
Still and transfixed
The electric sheep are dreaming of your face
Enjoy you from the chemical
Comfort of America
Come one, come all
Into nineteen-eightyfour
Yeah, three, two, one...
Lights! camera! transaction!
Quick, Your time is almost up
Make all forget that they're the moth
Edging in towards the flame
Burning to obscurity
Still and transfixed
The electric sheep but dreaming up your fate
We judge you from the card castle
Comfort of America
Come one, come all
Into nineteen-eightyfour
Yeah, three, two, one...
Lights! camera!
Come one, come all
Into Nineteen-eightyfour
Yeah, three, two, one...
Lights, Camera, Transaction!
Come one, come all
Into Nineteen-eightyfour
Yeah, three, two, one...
Lights, Camera, Transaction.
Your foundation is canyoning
Fault lines should be worn with pride
I hate to say it
But you're so much more
You're so much more endearing with the sound turned off'

-56 faced death at 18:57


Wednesday, July 28, 2004
k, havent been blogging haha...cos like monday went seoul garden with the team and like i cant cook so whatever ahha...then tuesday i was totally sick, had a fever of 37.8 haha...i asked karmila if it was high then she was like 'yea high!! i told you never listen to me!!" cos she felt my forehead during recess and said it was hot but i didnt feel anything haha...then i ended up getting scolding by her hahaha...was feeling a little bit better after school so stayed and watched them train...wanted to train loh! but was having headache so couldnt haha...then after that went home...almost took expired panadol but my sis had aspirin so i took it haha...then my mom gave me birds nest then i took then went to sleep...but only after studying chinese...oh, and had bio test which im sooo gonna fail cos i was having headache ahha...

today...was feeling much2 better...then i went for morning run and laughed alot cos this girl wore her shorts the wrong way ahahah....then nothing much happened...had chinese test which i dont think i'll do well cos i was thinking about smt else thru-out the test haha....then left early for the mayor talk thing...mrs tan cheat our feelings can! she told us got hmk so we brought our books home then end up dont have...dots....acs barker damn nice can! their audi is like double storey can haha...then this bimbotic girl was like sitting next to me and kept staring at me msg-ing haha...think she got kinda frightened cos of smt i was msging haha cos she moved away haha...and this guy sitting infront of sarah kept touching his hair? like it was the first time he spiked his hair or smt...then he only spiked the back part if his head so it looked totally weird haha.. then after that went town with weiqi and we were totally indecisive ahha...then when we walked out of taka i was like 'can we go back in? i need to buy chocolate' haha then she was like gonna kill me ahha...oh, then before that when we came out then she pointed at paragon then i was like 'you wanna go paragon is it?' then she was like no la! cos cor was there ahhaha...had a good laugh there haha...then came home and stuff....gonna go for morning run again tmr haha...somehow its more fun nowadays ahah....

tagboard ppl!

cheng: tsk you la...

amily: hey!! hows you? havent seen you for like 2 years yea!!

al and gemm: haha, comment!

candice: updated liao! sorry if my 'cooking' made you sick or smt!

-56 faced death at 21:08


Saturday, July 24, 2004
kk, got nothing to blog about...dots...ahha..did nothing much today...had piano then maths tuition then slept ahhaha...slept for like 2 hours which isnt that long karmila!!! ahhaha...nothing to blog about...dots...oh, the timetable has changed so yea...k, thats it...

this song is quite old but i still like it ahah...

If you could only see

'If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about our love
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me
Well you got your reasons
And you got your lies
And you got your manipulations
They cut me down to size
Sayin' you love but you don't
You give your love but you won't
If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about our love
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me
Seems the road less traveled
Show's happiness unraveled
And you got to take a little dirt
To keep what you love
That's what you gotta do
Sayin' you love but you don't
You give your love but you won't
You're stretching out your arms to something that's just not there
Sayin' you love where you stand
Give your heart when you can
If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about our love
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me
Sayin' you love but you don't
You give your love but you won't
Sayin' you love where you stand
Give your heart when you can
If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about or loveA
nd what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me'

-56 faced death at 18:26


Friday, July 23, 2004
waiting for my hair to dry so i'll blog first was alright...had lesons till 10 then went town with alot of ppl...then karmila and i didnt want to watch ella enchanted so we met up with poon they all at far east where we walked around looking for a top for shaleen...finally found a nice one and my yo yo partner didnt really like it but we persuaded her and she bought it...then ate and ljs then had to leave early cos we had to be back in school before 1245...and karmila, sorry for abandoning you but i didnt have the choice haha...anyways, we wen to seah im food centre then mrs lee very nice can, she gave rah and i money to get drinks haha...jenny leong actually wanted to buy us ice cream but the man closed shop so yea haha...then after that took the bus back to school..then went around selling drinks till 6 where i just stood at the stall trying to sell drinks...stood there till like 10+ ahha...but ppl brought us food so thanks! then left like dad sent cor, mel [princess] and melanie home....then i came home took a bath and yea...oh, my hair is like dry now so i should go and sleep ahahhaha......

-56 faced death at 23:07


Wednesday, July 21, 2004
today was totally fun yet again...morning had maths then english then maths again...after eng shaleen and i asked mrs shankar for the class key so that we could come up during recess...then i gave shaleen the key cos i sure lose it haha....after maths was recess then i stood outside shaleen's class waiting for her then we went up to our books then looked for shankar in the canteen...made shaleen laugh sooo much ahahha....then returned the key to shankar who was with mrs low...then shaleen and i were looking at the way they were walking haha...then we suay2 had to continue walking behind them...then shankar suddenly turned around and asked me to buy a pau for mrs jo pang ahhahaha...shaleen and i were on the verge of bursting into laughter hahah....then i dragged her along to buy the pau and stuff...was laughing all the way aha...then after that was ss...with that miss nair ahha....shaleen and i were laughing soo much again ahhaha...we laugh so loud till some ppl turned around to look at us hahaha....then after that was physics which was totally boring...pau2 kinda fell asleep so i poked her with my pencil ahahha...then it was pc...did some maths...then had meeting with lemo so i dragged rah along ahha...met p at the foyer with hannah and pau popped out of no where haha...then saw pad box at the bus stop...then the bus came so p and pau went up but i stayed with pad box cos she was alone...then anna came so we talked abit and stuff...miss the seniors during training cos their totally funny ahaha...anyways, thats it...

-56 faced death at 18:05


Tuesday, July 20, 2004
today was totally fun!!! haha....chinese was alright...then had 4 periods of maths or rather, 3 then recess then 1 more...but i think it would be so cool to have 4 periods altogether hah...we started on kinematics and mrs charoo gave us this worksheet and we had to interpret the was so fun!!! my fav graph is the last one cos the prefect had to pull the thing really2 hard so that the flag will go up really2 fast ahhaha....made poon, mel, wei2 and rah laugh alot cos of that graph ahha...oh, in the morn, i rubbed rah's blue black till the skin came out!!! feeling so guilty, sorry rah! k, then after that was poor 'yo yo' partner got called by mr yeo, AGAIN! she is like damn suay ahah...then after that was bio....was too lazy to study so pau and i bothered p and also listened to joanne's stories ahha...mel made me a horrible deal...she was like 'you carry my bag then i carry your books' then i said yea without thinking haha then it was such a bad deal can!! haha...but heck, still carried her stuff all the way to shankar's room haha...then somehow or other the arrangement of tables and chairs were changed so mel was sitting on my right and my yo yo partner on my left....made my yo yo partner laugh alot ahha...then did the stupid eng letter which i think i totally wrote wrongly haha...but heck! ahhaa....
then after school had meeting with mr sng...then he talk2 then after that we went down to the canteen to change and got ready for napfa...first station was sit-ups...was alright...then the incline chin-up thing...was alright too..then it was the shuttle run...was surprised with my timing, think the man took wrongly aha...then it was the sit and reach which i totally suck at ahha...took the forms for obs, hopefully i can make it ahha...tried to convince shaleen to go but she was soooo reluctant so i just gave up haha...then rushed for training...did some court work then played bball with some sec 1s...hate that girl with long hair and black shorts cos she was so violent and she just snatched the ball away from whatever haha...then had a talk with jaime and yingmin then went to tiong with coach, jaime, yingmin, candice, elaine, melanie and toilet paper...oh yea! dan is our pad box ahhahah....just ignore that hahaha....then talked alot2 till lost track of time haha...then went home....nothing much after that hahah....

-56 faced death at 20:54


Monday, July 19, 2004
been totally losing sleep so i took a nap haha...just woke up or rather, my sis woke me up cos she's going diving for 2 days so yea...keshia told me to bring a passport sized photo??? think their like gonna put it in the ems thing for the voting thing, like im not embarrassed enough? haha..i totally hope their not gonna do the pbl thing cos like my face so big there and like it'll be so embarrassing ahhaha...heck, got better things to worry about haha...
the homeroom system is quite fun ahha...was totally high this morning haha...cos on firday we took the tables from 2C class so they were short of tables so we 'stole' the oral tables haha...then went all the way to the hall...on the way back we were laughing sooo much for no apparent reason 'yo yo' partner, mel, wei2 and i were laughing so loud can haha....i carried the locker lock all the way to the hall and back ahah...cos i was playing with it...then pau and i went to find our locker and put our maths stuff there cos it was like so near charoo's class so yea...sitting with mel for like almost everything haha...after 8 years!! this is the first year that im in the same class as her aha...
mrs leong was like totally funny...she was like 'row leaders come and take the surprise test paper from my desk' then yangyan and panicked the end it was a survey then i was like 'tsk la' super loud haha...
had the sex talk again? but didnt have the mood to talk alot so yea...and pau's mean! she like keep poking me...then when nette tried i said 'stacy tay's ticklish' hahahah...then cheng was like so into the movie haha...then had the fusion dance thing then went home with p...p is so 'kan cheong' can the audi she was like 'stacy! better hurry wait we miss 65' hahha...she's super the morning she wanted to strangle me ahhaha...
[its not that i dont want it...its that i dunno, im confused?]
this song is quite alright so yea...
Maroon 5
She will be loved
'Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be loved
She will be loved
And She will be loved
And She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
She will be loved
Please don't try so hard to say good bye.'

-56 faced death at 18:52


Sunday, July 18, 2004
just came back from great world...watched king was not bad...think lancelot has the best weapon...think like its so funky to have twin swords ahah...
warning, spoiler ahead:
the guy with the falcon is like totally cool!!! so saddening that he got all the funky ppl were killed...the bird guy and lancelot haha...
  end of spoiler! hah...

hmm...did i do anything wrong??  yea sure, i bet that you too are totally hurt...i feel totally selfish...i feel totally guilty cos you apologised sooo many time and yet...dots...been losing sleep over this....argh...but i must face the music...i cant run away forever...
havent touched any homework yet haha...homeroom system starting tmr...think it may screw up cos like the whole place will be jammed up in the process of changing classes so yea...i dunno la haha...k, i gtg...need to do work then i'll sleep ahah...


-56 faced death at 15:51


Saturday, July 17, 2004
k, im free so i'll blog again...oh, i missed out that my dad sent mel home ytd and he said she is pretty and smart ahah...told mel that this morning and her ego like totally...dots... bored...and tired...maybe i'll sleep soon...but i wanna read 'angels and demons' by dan brown...its so interesting legs hurt...argh, missed jamie cullum's concert ytd...wanted to go but like got the pbl and stuff and also cos it was a private concert so yea...but i think his voice very nice haha....k, think i should sleep soon...have to go church tmr haha...

-56 faced death at 23:01


been really busy these few days...with the pbl and stuff...anyways, i cant remember what happened on thursday so i got less to blog about ahaa...k, yesterday was totally hectic...was like running all over the place looking for mrs chan cos i didnt know the schedule and stuff...then after school mr yeo totally impatient so we had to like get 16 tables from 2C classroom and denise, rat and i made like 3-4 trips can...tired like anything after that ahha...then pau and meiyi helped me to transfer my books... so thanks! haha... then after that, mr yeo told us to arrange the chairs and stuff...then after that pearl and i went to the canteen and i drank grass jelly!! haha..then we went to bother the netballers cos training hasnt started yet...then coach asked us to get changed and we trained for like only 40+ mins but it was fun ahah... then after that we ran back up to the audi to change...then i was like running everywhere looking for mrs chan cos i didnt know where to usher the parents cos the audi wasnt ready then yea...then ran around the whole place looking for the usherers cos they were all over the place ahha...then stood at the canteen there for like 2hrs? tired like anything...then talked abit and stuff with cheng, mel, poon and shaleen...oh, i found cheng's band badge!! muahahah...she owes me big time haha...then after that stacked the chairs up and stuff...then waited till like 9+ to clear up..and miss maggie lee made me carry the tray of watermelon to the staff lounge, TWICE ahah...the second time the staff lounge was closed so we panicked and miss ng told us to throw away but we left it in the general office ahaha...then went home, bathed and stoned and msged her....then went to sleep...
got up at 7+ then mel called and asked me to help with the banner and i did then had my orals...horrible haha...heck...kk, i gtg...

-56 faced death at 14:32


Wednesday, July 14, 2004
today was totally fun!!! well, not school but after school ahha...but first, in school...during recess pau, fei and i were doing the chinese thing the mind map for how media has influenced the kids...only after we did it did we find out that we were doing technology gonna do it again tmr...

after school had meeting with mrs chan for friday's ptc...then after that went to the canteen to meet sarah and sexy...then at 3+ we left for the foyer then we started our walk to labrador park...or rather, seah im food centre...then when we reached [mind you, its not very far] miss siti told us what to do and stuff then we went off....sarah said she'll accompany me to school cos i left my bag in school and she was carrying hers so yea...then since we missed 65, we decided to take 131 [logically thinking, it would go back to school] so we took it...then, we suspected smt was wrong cos the bus missed the turn going to school we just thought that it was making a little detour...hahaahha....we were TOTALLY wrong went to shenton way then all the way to serangoon ahhahaha....then we started to panic...haha...then we decided to stop at novena cos sexy reached school alr we got off and took train to orchard then took bus back to school where sexy was waiting for me in the foyer missed like 2-3 cabs cos the buses were blocking haha...then came home so yea...thats it....i'll never talk 131 for the rest of my life hahah...but it was totally fun cos sarah and i were talking all the way ahhaha...

Love this song...its quite sadistic in the sense that your just watching your friend drown...but its nice hahaha

Our Lady Peace

"Throw away the radio
Suitcase keeps you awake
Hide the telephone, the telephone
Telephone, in case you relalize
That some days your just not ok
You'll level off, you'll level off, you'll level off
And its not alright now
You need to understand
Theres nothing strange about this
You need to know your friends
You need to know that
I'll be waving my hand
Watching you drown
Watching you scream
Quiet or loud
And maybe you should sleep
And maybe you just need, a friend
As clumsy as you've been
Theres no one laughing
You will be safe in here
You will be safe in here
Throw away this very old shoelace
It tripped you again
Try and shrug it off, shrug it off, shrug it off
Its only skin
Now you need to understand
Theres nothing fake about this
You need to let me in
Watching you and
I'll be waving my hand
Watching you drown
Watching you scream
No ones around
And maybe you should sleep
And maybe you just need, a friend
As clumsy as you've been
Theres no one laughing
You will be safe in here
You will be safe in
I will be waving my hand
Watching you drown
Watching you scream
Quiet or loud
And maybe you should sleep
And maybe you just need, a friend
As clumsy as you've been
Theres no one laughing
You will be safe in here
You will be safe in here
Well you will be safe in here"
-56 faced death at 18:12


Tuesday, July 13, 2004
totally fumbled on my speech today...dots...was totally nervous...even mr sng could tell ...whatever, just blew my was totally boring...nothing interesting...had training...and i like have this blister which hurts like hell... wth...damn unlucky....whatever...have to stay back tmr for the walkathon thing? argh...this sucks...sometimes i just need a day off....just one day....

used to love this its kinda old but heck...

Monday Morning 5:19

'At eight o'clock we said goodbye
That's when I left her house for mine
She said that she'd be staying in
Well she had to be at work by nine

So I get home and have a bath
And let an hour or two pass
Drifting in front of my T.V.
When a film comes on
That she wants to see

It's Monday morning 5:19
And I'm still wondering where she's been
'Cause everytime I try to call
I just get her machine
And now it's almost six a.m.
And I don't want to try again
'Cause if she's still not back
Then this must be the end

At first I guess she's gone to get
Herself a pack of cigarettes
A pint of milk, food for the cat
But it's midnight now and she's still not back

It's Monday morning 5:19
And I'm still wondering where she's been
'Cause everytime I try to call
I just get her machine
And now it's almost six a.m.
And I don't want to try again
'Cause if she's still not back home
I don't know if she would, then
Is this the end?

At half past two I picture her
In the back of someone else's car
He runs his fingers through her hair
Oh you shouldn't let
Him touch you there.

It's Monday morning 5:19
And I'm still wondering where she's been
'Cause everytime I try to call
I just get her machine
And now it's almost six a.m.
And I don't want to try again
'Cause if she's still not back home
I don't know if she would, then
Is this the end'

-56 faced death at 19:10


Monday, July 12, 2004
didnt have to do my speech today...a good thing? maybe, cos i totally wasnt the morning i was totally nervous, till my hands were cold ahah...gonna do my speech tmr...come on! i can do it!!! ahhah...lame-a-fyed...just ignore that hah...was really2 tired today during lessons and stuff...wasnt paying attention at all...during recess, went around surveying ppl for the maths thing...then after that was maths, my fav lesson ahah...simply love it cos mrs charoo just gave us a few questions to do so it was fun...but the questions were not challenging....but heck...then after that was was alright, had so much time so i wrote really neatly ahhaa...then after that was cme...had the talk again...sat with mel and lily then we commented on alot of stuff haha....after that went tiong with karmila, nette, yingwei and pei...ate bk then talked abit...after that sent karmila to delta then walked home...then had a bath, rushed thru my theory homework then waited for my teacher to come...after that, slept for like 1 hr plus till my dad woke me up aha...then had dinner, rushed thru my homework and here i am...guess thats it..gonna go practice my speech...hope i dont panic tmr haha..


"It's alright
It's Ok
I'll keep holding on today
'Cause I'm waiting for the starlight in your eyes
No more faith
No more hope
All that I can do is grope
For a shred of loving care from my girl
The pain you felt has burdened you
You can't feel loved
I'm glad that I have been with you
But thats not enough
In your arms I would be
Overjoyed as any boy
Holding on to what he loves
Oh so much
Feel your touch every night
When I dreamed to be alright
There you are in front of me
With your smile
The pain you felt has burdened you
You can't feel loved
I'm glad that I have been with you
But thats not enough
Whoa, thats not enough
The pain you felt has burdened you
You can't feel loved
I'm glad that I have been with you
But thats not enough
Whoa, thats not enough
In your arms I would be
Overjoyed as any boy
Holding on to what he loves
Oh so much
Holding on to what he loves
Oh so much
Holding on to what he loves
Oh so much"

-56 faced death at 21:08


Saturday, July 10, 2004
woke up super early...but she woke up earlier haha...then got ready, dressed super formally for my sis's graduation...the ceremony was like super long? 3hrs plus..then went for lunch after that then my mom dropped me at the bus stop...met natalie and cor at the bus stop...then the bus came and i totally forgot i didnt have my ez-link card then i just put my wallet at the sensor thing but never beep so i just walked into the bus haha...then got my hair cut, it turned out alright...then went to youth park to patronize the stall ahaha...then left after awhile cos sarah wasnt there...then went heeren and met sarah and fei they all along with mel, pei, lily, cheng and alim...damn embarrassed cos i was wearing formal2 and they all say i look very niang? like whatever haha...then sarah joined us so we went back to youth park cos sarah was having shift then walked to cine after her shift and met juli they all..then talked abit then walked to heeren then to cine then to far east...after that walked back to taka then came home...sarah very funny, she talk alot little sister haha...
-56 faced death at 20:21


Friday, July 09, 2004
havent prepared my speech for monday yet...weiqi and i are like the first 2 to make our speech? im so not was alright today... disected the pig's heart...was totally fun haha...gin ni was running around the class with mega blood clots and stuff hahah...then fei, pau and i were sticking our fingers in the vena cava, actually, we stuck our fingers into practically everything haha...oh, mr yeo was in a bad mood haha...think he was pmsing hahaha...then after school stayed in the hall for mr sng's talk...he's actually very nice and all...then after that he met the 7 of us...he told us to make a really good how am i gonna do that? haha...

anyways, after that, we did the band discriptors then went to help out the sec 2s with their boxes and stuff...since i cant paint, i helped cindia to do the hair braiding thing...and i was totally slow haha....but i got the hang of it a little later on...
had the shock of my life over the pbl thing...wont go into detail, too lazy to type haha...

[Im the star of my own play...]
-56 faced death at 18:30


Thursday, July 08, 2004
gonna flunk my geog test hahaa...

kkk, i got this funky question thing...tried on karmila and pei but they like no effect...kk, here goes...

[This deaf and mute man walk into a hardwear shop. The mute guy went first. He wanted to buy nails so he made an action with his two fingers and his other hand was like a hammer. The shopkeeper asked him if he wanted to buy a hammer but he shook his head. The mute man then pointed to the fingers that were supposed to be the nails and then, the shopkeeper asked if he wanted to purchase nails and the man nodded. So, the mute guy choose the nails her wanted, paid and left the store.
Then, the deaf man walked into the store. He wanted to buy a pair of scissors. How do you think he asked for it?

The answer that most ppl would give is that he used his hands to make a scissors action. but the real answer is that he asked for it with his voice cos he's deaf, not mute hahahaah]

to the ppl on my tagboard: DOTS!!!!dots to all of you!!!!
no mood to i'll just put a song here...

Dashboard Confessional

"Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in and winding out
The shine ahead has caught my eye
And roped me in so mesmerizing
It's so hypnotizing
I am captivated
I am...

I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now
The things you swore you saw yourself

So clear
Like the diamond in your ring
Cut to mirror your intention
Oversized and overwhelmed
The shine of which has caught my eye
And rendered me so
Isolated so
Motivated I am
Certain now that I am

I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now
The things you swore you saw yourself

So tired of the corners of your lips
Part them and feel my finger tips
Trace the moment for forever
Defense is paper thin
Just one touch and I'd be in
Too deep now to ever swim
Against the current

So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip against the current
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away

I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now
The things you swore you saw yourself

My hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption"

-56 faced death at 15:39


Monday, July 05, 2004
Greece won...a total shock...they won cos their defence is superb so there wasnt any oppertunity for portugal to attack...i watched the whole match all alone ahhaa...cos my sis went to sleep at half time so yeah ahha...oh yeah! and during the second half this man ran onto the field entertaining!!! ahah... then he ran straight into the goalpost the net? hahaha...very funny....too bad there was no one to share the laughter with me hahahah....

the match ended at like 4+ right? then i went to sleep and woke up at 9? suprised man! ahha....tried to go back to sleep but couldnt so i just woke up! hahaha....
-56 faced death at 10:00


Sunday, July 04, 2004
woke up at 11 today...or rather, was forced to cos my mom was like 'your finally up...go get ready then we go out for lunch' so thats what i i could've slept for another hour plus haha....then after lunch, came home and went online....went online till like 6+, 7 cos was chatting and pool-ing with shaleen...didnt realise she's so me ahhaa....oh, i learnt that if you hang around me too much, you'll get lamer and lamer haha...k, then went offline and went to chinatown for dinner...then im back! oh, i also switched phones with my sis cos we were like totally bored now i have her phone which is totally difficult to use cos its sony ericsson and the format and stuff is diff from nokia if i take like super long to reply someone, its cos im totally not used to the phone hahaha...
-56 faced death at 21:10


Saturday, July 03, 2004
whoa man, didnt realise i havent been bloggin for so long haha...anyways, went to chijmes today for the ij fest... it was totally hot so we went to raffles place [after dunno how many super long mins of persuasion] then we walked...and walked...and walked...walked all the way to suntec just for coffee bean ahaha... on the way there they all so mean can, forever bullying me... dots... on the way, there was this clown who was supposedly 'chasing' me haha...then i just walked away...then after awhile, the clown was running towards nette and peihan ahahah...then pei screamed and all of us started laughing so mega loudly...anyways, they went to buy coffee then we headed back to chijmes...reached there with 10 mins to spare so we took a seat and waited for the performance to start...then they all bully me again....forever haha...they all ask me to ask the little girl infront to sit down cos she was blocking the view haha...felt so guilty after that haha...then during the china-fyed dance [i cant stand so cheena type of dance] so i took a walk with karmila then we met poon they all and talked a bit...then i blindly walked into the signboard and ALMOST knocked it down...almost k! ahah...and karmila was just happily laughing there haha...then walked a bit then went back in time for the so-called modern dance which wasnt so modern, according to me haha...then left when the performances ended...went to city hall mrt...karmila and pei infront happily took the wrong escalator haha..then they wanted to go back up when there was a 'direct' escalator to the correct floor haha...they malu-ated themselves haha....then the train was super crowded...then we got separated so i was walking with karmila...then we thought they all walked already so we just walked...we couldnt see them so we assumed that they walked already so we just walk the escalator, got a call from pei and they were still waiting for us at the control station we happily walked back and had a good laugh...then went to the bus stop where the stupid bus took so long...didnt realise that natria was so lame? haha...then took bus home...ot was getting dark so i walked super fast haha...oh, i walked home in record time! 5 mins! haha.... then took a bath...then had craving for coke so drank it im quite high? even though i woke up super early ahha...[btw, my super early is 8am haha] guess thats was fun...muahhahaa....
-56 faced death at 20:38
