In Death I See Life
In Life I See Death
The Sweet Relief That I Long
The Hush Of Whispering wings
Have come to Take Me
Away, away

19 jan
St clare'02/03
St anne '04
hadley's mother
sarah's brother
cor's devil
dan's apple ice jelly partner
weiqi's tsk partner
shaleen's 'yo yo' partner

My Friends
denise teo
rui shan

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 | 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 | 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 | 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 | 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 | 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 | 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 |

My Sarcophagus

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
slept at like 10+ last night...then woke up at 02:30...couldnt sleep, was scared for today...then replied msges but like everyone was sleeping haha...then managed to get back to slp at like 03:30...then reached school at 6...luckily i had the mp3 player with me or else i would've just died ahah...then the excos can one by one...yan2's mr sng is very cute!!! but the nose came off hahah...then did the decorations in the like 7 i was running around the school looking for mr sng...had to settle the discipline stuff with him... then we tried to do assembly without mr sng's help but he helped out anyway...didnt do the dance, was in the hall doing the decorations ahah...then sat in the hall till 840 like that then went to class to wish mrs shankar a happy teachers day but apparently, she didnt go to class at all ahha...then went back to the hall to settle everything before the students come streaming in ahah...then, the students worst nightmare...i tried, i REALLY TRIED my best to keep cool but sometimes it gets so damn irritating when the ppl dont listen!!! i had to run all over the hall telling councillors what to do and stuff...and there was no one else helping me with a mike in hand to tell the girls where to sit and all... didnt know our school had so many ppl ahah...we ended up starting like 15-20 mins late...was totally stressed....then the council item, jean and i decided not to dance cos we wernt sure of the steps and stuff so yea...oh!!! mrs kong said that the brownies/cake looked nice??? ahhaha...then the programme was screwed up...dont wanna go into detail...then dismissal...worst time of my life...the ppl happily never listen to me la! was totally damn pissed...after that i totally blew at the latecomers cos they were supposed to stack the chairs neatly and stuff then i told them not to drag the chairs like so many times...after the 3rd time, i shouted at them can!!! feel so evil but they never listen to me haha...and my phone is screwed up, need to get a new one ahha...went out with the team to eat and take neo...then went out with karmila to cut hair...talked alot, and i mean ALOT hahaah...cos i was so busy the past few days and stuff...had fun with her ahha...we walked around the whole place can ahha...then came home...almost fell off my chair ahah...only she knows the details but i wont say anything ahha...thats it...

to all councillors: thanks!!! thanks for everything...esp those who helped out with the stuff and those who bothered to come down for rehersals...and many thanks to the excos...take tmr to catch up on slp k!

-56 faced death at 19:51


Saturday, August 21, 2004
today was usual ahha...but my flu isnt better...the chinese med didnt do much help ahha...had piano in the morning...then my mom sent me to school for exco meeting...heard the band play...then went home for maths tuition...originally it was supposed to be 1230 then she pushed to 130...but it ended like 230...then took a bath, got ready and left the house...went to delta...reached there a little after 3...watched the game then went to town...went to cine first to see if i could get anything for my mortal but nothing nice...then went to taka cos cheng happily broke her hanger...when we went there, she happily called her friend to bring a hanger for her haha...then as we were walk towards wisma, there, at the swatch shop there, we saw these 2 gay guys ahha....apparently, karmila saw them holding hands? ahha... then went home after that...wanna eat ice cream but im sick so cant ahah...waiting to recover then can eat ahha....

sihui: haiyo...what you want me to say about you??? ahha....let me think.......................................sorry, cant think ahha...dont be jealous k ahha...guess thats

-56 faced death at 21:13


Friday, August 20, 2004
today was fairly alright...nothing much happened....lost 0.5 kg and also shrunk by 0.5cm win some, you lose some ahha...then horrible marks for ca ahha...then recess...chin chow and sandwich ahah...then had physics..then geog...then 24/30 for emaths...could've gotten 29 can...but whats done is done...then after that had exco meeting...then went back to class...played around with mel and shaleen cos we had her jersey ahah....then after that went to the canteen to celebrate dan's bday....had cream on my face all thanks to elaine haha...then had training in the hall...not that bad...but the last part was super fun ahha...didnt feel tired at all ahah...then talked for awhile then called my dad sent coach to town ahah...he thought she was 16 can!! haha...but he said she's a nice girl ahah...then came home...waited so long for my mom to come home so that we could have dinner...then we got tired of waiting so my dad and i started first ahha....k, after that its not important ahha....

-56 faced death at 20:21


Thursday, August 19, 2004
Today sucked like hell...probably one of the worst days i've had in my life....the night before i had one of those really2 painful cramps in my pain i couldnt the morning, it still hurt but i had to go for morning run ...on top of that, i have sore throat and flu...after that we had a short meeting with mr sng who took 15 mins...then walked up to chinese class where ltt wanted to scold us for being late but we said we had a meeting with mr sng so then she didnt scold...was sneezing all the way through chinese...after that was english...was alright...the story we made is totally THE best...then had recess...vexed...then chem then maths...did badly for my e maths...was hoping to get higher but yea....then was physics...totally boring...was thinking too much during those 2 periods...after school at the bookshop there i totally didnt see you...shaleen and mel want to slap me but i really didnt see...then went to class to get our bags then canteen...i stood in the canteen for less than like 5 mins and my dad called me...then had to rush to the nsc...waited 2 bloody hours just to see the frickin wth! think i so free to waste my time sitting on the cheap manufactured plastic chairs with retarding looking ppl all around me...totally sucked...

Alicia Keys Feat Usher
If I Ain't Got You
"Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
Some people search for a fountain
The promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me a world on a silver platter
And what good would it be?
With no one to share, with no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
If I ain't got you with me baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby"

-56 faced death at 16:09


Wednesday, August 18, 2004
argh...gonna throat hurts like anything can im like drowning myself (not literally) in water a mega jug full of water infront of me was totally fun, had so many photo shoots ahha...then almost fell asleep during physics ahha...after school had meeting with miss quek for the sports quiz thing...its actually quite interesting and all, you know ahha...then chased after the bus cos pau was running ahha...then si hui and kim walked out of the bus. later on i found out that they came back to school to see me? like how would i know right ahha...back home now...tired ahah...

pesta sukan...not too bad...only played for the ais(australian international school) match then coach didnt let me play for the kcp and cedar match cos she said i wasnt tight enough and that i dont go all out for the ball cos im afraid to contact the person...she's totally right...we won all 3 matches then it started to rain so its prosponed to the 29th...

dont feel like blogging about the other days ahha...too lazy...

tagboard ppl:

nenghui2!!!! ello!!! missed the sarawak days ahha...was totally!

denise: we should go buy wine gums one day then sit down and eat all ahhahaha....

tong: yos! man, seen little of you!

amelia: heys...had fun the fire works day

-56 faced death at 18:32


Friday, August 13, 2004
totally hungry...shall blog cos im waiting for my dad and sis to come home so can eat dinner ahha...didnt eat much today...had chin chow and a biscuit for recess and had apple ice jelly with dan after school. today was alright, i guess...gonna fail physics ahah...then had pe...was laughing totally alot can ahha...poon,mel, wei2, yo-yo1 and i were sitting on the floor then everyone else was standing but we totally didnt realise then suddenly miss ng was like 'shaleen!! get up!" ahhaa... laughed totally alot over that hah...and shaleen has a 2 weeks mc can!! then after that was totally horrible ca marks...dont wanna talk about it...then was recess then physics then geog...cheng was totally bullying me can!! she hit me so many times then mrs low saw aahah....and i told her not to laugh so much wait her rubber band snap ahah...then was maths...quite alright...just that we were totally scared for geog...the geog paper was alright, i guess...but dont think i can do well ahah...then after school had training...was totally stressful screamed at me like so many million times...feeling totally bad now...but no one cares so yea...then was talking with jaime and yingmin after training ahha...laughed alot...then came home and yea..

like wth can...have to go to school tmr at like 9+...mrs shanker wants to take pic of sexy, jean and me for the pal news letter thing...then at 930 we have the ipos thing on...then after that at like 11 got school events meeting with mr francis...then at like 12+ have to meet miss quek for the sports quiz whole weekend is like totally packed la...and sunday there's pesta sukan, a whole day thing...there goes my weekend! heck...i'll try to cope...its only a matter of weeks before i collaspe and die hahah! like anyone cares...

-56 faced death at 19:35


Wednesday, August 11, 2004
today was alright...almost died cos i didnt bring my chinese text haha....then i took gin ni's book cos she's at the national camp thing so totally saved my life can ahah...was high at ss with yo yo partner sitting behind me ahha...laughed and talked so much till mrs kwong thought she and i wanted more sweets ahah...that made us laugh even more haha...nothing much happened...had chem after yeo was totally pissed today for no apparent reason...made us stay back to go thru the chem paper...luckily yo yo partner was sitting next to me haha...if not i would've just died hahha....and i had 'see me!!!" on my paper can...made me panic so much ahah...cos there's like 3 exclaimation marks there so yea haha...didnt see him in the end cos like i totally didnt want to talk to him ahha...and i think i know my mistake so yea haha....k, thats it, have to go do the ipos thing...dots....

-56 faced death at 19:57


Tuesday, August 10, 2004
woohoo! im back! muahah....m'sia was fun and all...visited my grandfather....he's alright, i guess...but he's like super old man, 87....and he got a new puppy, damn cute hahah...the neighbour gave him one ahah...totally stressed out nowadays...k,think i better end off here... gonna study ss then sleep..i need to rest ahha...

tag board ppl:

ikan: thanks!!! tc yea!

denise: and your wine gums

admin: urm...yea...k...

-56 faced death at 20:38


Saturday, August 07, 2004
woke up at 715...reached school at 810 like that...waited till everyone was there then took mrs lim's car...pau got lost aha...damn entertaining ahha...then we found out the talk was at 10 can!! so we went to the kopitiam and ate and did some discussion...then went up at 10 and did the search on the trademark...there was something in the water, made me super high ahahha...then listened to the talk for awhile...then asked the woman for advice on our thing...she said it was alright...thats good, right? haha...then we left during the trademark talk and walked to ps where we went to marks and spencers to spray somemore haha...then walked around then walked to town where i met karmila...then we walked somemore and she said i smelt of the perfume2 thing haha..damn funny ahha...then went to tiong where we took 16 but stopped at great world cos i thought we were going to school but we wern't ahah...then waited for 195 and yea...took it to tiong...then sent her off and the train station...and she found out that tiger's shy hahaha....then met my sis outside mc's cos she was doing surveys and stuff...then went to great world to watch the village...stupid show ahha...should've listened to karmila cos she said its a stupid and lame show ahha...then walked home...didnt do anything much so yea hah..gng away tmr...dont feel like gng now...but have to if not my mom'll kill me ahha....k, thats it...later...

-56 faced death at 20:24


Friday, August 06, 2004
today was totally fun!!! was totally high ahah...was at the back of the hall with sexy...then during the choir's item, sexy and i were 'dancing' can ahah...till keshia gave us that look ahahha....then we cheered super loud for band and guitar....and we were like practically shouting the singapore songs can ahha...since we didnt know the lyrics to one song but we only knew the word 'undivided' so we shouted only that word ahhaah...was totally fun ahah...oh, and 3A won 2 hampers can! was totally shocked for the money2 thing then the other for the walkathon attendance ahha....

had training after that...but before that, hannah, pau and i were looking for miss quek who gave us this super thick stack of papers for the sports quiz thing...i thought the quiz was the simple2 type can ahah....then training was the netballers are so red like lobsters can ahah....went town after that...wanted to watch the village but it was sold out so we joined the team at pizza hut....yingmin, jaime and i ate the set meant for 4 ppl can ahah...we were totally full after that ahha...then went to heeren to take neoprint...then went wisma then walked to far east where we took neoprint again...then went home after like super tired now haha....

oh, i'll be going to malaysia from sunday to tuesday so i wont be able to blog so yea....

-56 faced death at 21:09


Wednesday, August 04, 2004
k, i shall blog...urm...maths was fun cos now i know how to do haha..then was english...had fun talking with mel ahah...then maths again then recess...was totally high during recess can haha...blame it on the grass jelly haha...after that was ss...had quite a good time...kept talking to pau about friday haha...then it was chinese....pau and fei tried to sabo me by calling my index number haha...but they were unsucessful muhahahah...then it was physics....stirred the water till my arms pain can aahaha....then it was pc....was doing chem...

after school went town with karmila...laughed alot....ate at ljs then went to wisma to look at the wallet which is apparently not worth the $30 ahaha...then she showed me the ring...its nice...then walked to paragon where something happened and i dont wanna will malu myself ahha....then after that went to popular cos i needed to get a green pen...someone stole my old one haha...then sent her off at the bus stop then went to my dad's office...went to the fish shop after that cos he wanted to buy new fish...he spent like $50 on 5 new fishes can haha...but the fish damn cute, triangular shaped haha...then came home, took a bath then yea....

-56 faced death at 18:38


Monday, August 02, 2004
hmmm...dunno wad to blog about....oh, think mrs shankar doesnt like me ahaha...for the letter writing thing right, i wrote in 'high-class' english and yet she only gave me 9 for language can!!! damn pissed hahha....nothing much happened in school..then after school, went to canteen then changed for 'phototaking session' haha ...was quite fun and all...then rushed home for piano LESSONS haha...havent been doing much after that haha...corrections, i havent been doing anything after that haha...k, i really should stop stoning haha....guess thats it so yea...

tagboard ppl:

hy: i've got more songs k! i'll recommend some more to you k!

kq: i'll play tic-tac-toe with you tmr k! better practise tonight

-56 faced death at 17:39
